
Do Any Features Of Grantia Distinguish This Organism As An Animal

Lab 4: Poriferans and the Radiate Phyla

1. Taxonomy for Lab four

Phylum Porifera

  • Course Calcarea - Leucosolenia (an ascon sponge), Grantia (a sycon sponge).
  • Grade Hexactinellida - Euplectella (Venus' flower basket) – a leucon sponge
  • Class Demospongiae - larger marine sponges, including commercial and bath sponges as well freshwater sponges such as Spongilla that produces gemmules; all leucon blazon.

Phylum Cnidaria

  • Class Hydrozoa - Hydra, Gonionemus, Obelia, Physalia (Portuguese Homo-O-State of war) Class Scyphozoa - Aurelia
  • Course Anthozoa - Sea anemones (e.g., Metridium) and difficult corals - Soft and horny corals (e.k., ocean fans, ocean whips, sea pens, etc.)

Phylum Ctenophora - comb jellies

two. Introduction to the Sponges

The Phylum Porifera ("pore bearers") contains approximately 5,000 species of animals chosen sponges. Although multicellular, sponges take a very simple grade of arrangement, and the body consists of a loose aggregation of cells embedded in a gelatinous matrix. While sponges lack any real organs or truthful tissues, they do incorporate different types of cells including: epithelial-like cells called pinacocytes that cover the exterior and not-flagellated interior surfaces, flagellated cells chosen choanocytes that line inner chambers and canals, and amoeboid cells called archeocytes that move about in the mesohyl and can differentiate into other types of cells that class parts of the skeleton (equanimous of collagen and/or spongin fibers often embedded with calcareous or siliceous crystalline spicules). Sponges prove radial symmetry or none. Although about species are marine, a few are establish in freshwater. In terms of their ecology, few animals appear to eat sponges, probably because a oral fissure full of spongin and spicules is non too appetizing! Notwithstanding, a few reef fish and the hawksbill turtle feed exclusively on sponges. Sponges provide homes, nevertheless, for many organisms, especially those anchored to coral reefs.

3. Sponge Physiology & Body Types

Sponges are perforated by many tiny pores called ostia that permit h2o to enter i or more oscula (singular osculum) that let the water get out. These openings are continued by a series of canals, some of which are lined by collar cells called choanocytes whose flagella maintain a flow of h2o through the sponge. Sponges have three basic body plans:

(ane) Asconoid sponges are small, elementary forms with a tube-shaped body.

(2) Syconoid sponges also have a tubular body whose wall is much thicker and highly folded into a series of incurrent canals that deliver h2o into radial canals lined with choanocytes.

(3) Leuconoid sponges take the most complex organisation, which permits for an increase in trunk size. Clusters of flagellated chambers are filled from incurrent canals and discharge their water via excurrent canals into a central osculum.

4. Phylum Porifera - Class Calcarea

Lab-4 01

 Class Calcarea contains sponges with calcium carbonate spicules of iii or 4 rays. All three body plans are seen in calcarean sponges. The group is entirely marine, and most species are slow-colored and less than 4 mm long. Representative calcarean sponges include Leucosolenia and Sycon (shown in the paradigm above).

5. Phylum Porifera - Class Hexactinellida

Lab-4 02

Sponges in the Course Hexactinellida are commonly called glass sponges because their half-dozen-rayed spicules are made silica. Oft the spicules are cemented together into a roughly cylindrical skeleton 10-30 cm tall. All species are marine, living generally in deep bounding main waters. The all-time known case of a glass sponge is Euplectella (Venus' flower basket), the skeleton of which is shown on the above image).

half-dozen. Phylum Porifera - Class Demospongiae

Lab-4 04

In addition to many marine forms, the Grade Demospongiae also contains about 150 species of freshwater sponges. About of these species (similar Spongilla shown above) lack any distinct symmetry and grow equally encrusting organisms on difficult substrates such as rocks, sticks, etc. During the onset of unfavorable periods (freezing, drying, etc.), freshwater sponges undergo asexual reproduction to produce internal buds called gemmules. Although the parental sponge may die and atomize, the gemmules are highly resistant to adverse conditions and will develop into new sponges when weather improve.

vii. Introduction to the Cnidarians

The Phylum Cnidaria contains almost nine,000 species of hydras, jellyfishes, sea anemones, sea fans, ocean pens, corals, etc. Cnidarians are characterized by radial symmetry and the presence of stinging cells called cnidocytes that are used for the capture of prey and defense. Most species are marine, but hydras are freshwater forms. Cnidarians are have two true tissue layers (an outer epidermis and an inner gastrodermis) separated past a connective tissue layer called the mesoglea. The basic body plan includes a mouth that opens into a blind gastrovascular cavity lined with gastrodermis. Two torso types are seen in cnidarians; the polyp is a sessile, cylindrical form in which the oral cease (mouth and tentacles) is directed upward and the aboral end is attached to the substrate. The polyp form is seen in hydras and body of water anemones. The medusa body type (seen in a typical jellyfish) consists of a free-swimming, bell-shaped class with the aboral stop directed up and the oral stop directed down. The nervous system of cnidarians consists of a diffuse network of neurons chosen a nerve cyberspace in which any direction of conduction is possible, a useful property for animals with radial symmetry.

viii. Phylum Cnidaria - Class Hydrozoa

The Class Hydrozoa includes a various array of cnidarians. The typical hydrozoan life cycle includes both polyp and medusa body types. Although about hydrozoans are marine and colonial, a number of lone marine and freshwater forms are also known. Examples of marine species include Gonionemus (a marine hydrozoan jellyfish), Obelia (a sessile, marine colonial form) and Physalia (a marine, floating colonial grade that is constitute in tropical waters off the coast of Florida) Examples of freshwater forms include Hydra (a solitary freshwater form that retains the polyp body) and Craspedacusta (a freshwater hydrozoan jellyfish).


Lab-4 05

Gonionemus is a marine hydrozoan jellyfish that swims with its convex aboral surface directed upward and its concave oral surface facing downward. Note the thin ring of transparent tissue called a velum that encircles the margin of the bell; scyphozoan ("true") jellyfishes lack this construction.


Lab-4 06

Obelia is a colonial, marine hydrozoan that contains both feeding polyps called hydranths and reproductive polyps called gonangia. During sexual reproduction, free-swimming male person and female person medusae bud off the reproductive polyps, releasing sperm and eggs that fuse to form a ciliated, planula larva that attaches itself to the substrate and begins to grade a new colony through asexual budding.


Lab-4 07

Physalia (the Portuguese man-o-state of war) consists of a floating colony of different kinds of individuals fastened to a gas-filled float called a pneumatophore. The tentacles of Physalia (which can be several meters long) are well supplied with batteries of nematocysts that can inflict painful stings to those that see them! Sometimes these animals are washed ashore during storms (as shown on the epitome above), creating potential problems for bathers or even beach users!


Lab-4 08

Hydra is a genus of unproblematic freshwater animals possessing radial symmetry. They are predatory animals, using batteries of nematocysts on their tentacles to sting and capture casualty. They can exist found in nigh unpolluted fresh-water ponds, lakes, and streams in the temperate and tropical regions. Since they are rarely more than a few millimeters long, hydras are all-time studied with a microscope.


Lab-4 09

These tiny hydrozoan jellyfish have been establish in calm waters of freshwater lakes, ponds, reservoirs and big rivers on all continents. Although not often seen, they can exist particularly abundant toward the end of summertime when they can exist found floating near the surface.

9. Phylum Cnidaria - Grade Scyphozoa

Lab-4 10

In the true jellyfishes (most of which are found floating in the open up ocean) the medusa is the dominant form, and the mesoglea (which is thick) contains cells likewise as fibers. A structure called the manubrium (which contains the mouth) is unremarkably drawn out to form four oral arms that are used in capturing and ingesting casualty. The tentacles, manubrium and often the entire body surface are well supplied with nematocysts that can often give painful stings if touched.

10. Phylum Cnidaria - Course Anthozoa

The anthozoans ("flower animals") include about 6,000 species of bounding main anemones, corals, ocean fans, etc. that all have the polyp torso form. In terms of habitat, all are marine and nearly lived attached to rocks, shells, timbers, etc. Anthozoans are distinguished by the presence of partitions of the gastrovascular cavity called septa and a pharynx hanging down from the oral fissure into the gastrovascular cavity. Sea anemones have a cylindrical body with a crown of tentacles on an oral disc surrounding a slit-like mouth that leads into a pharynx. In the stony corals the polyps look similar miniature bounding main anemones; they live in stony cups of calcium carbonate secreted by lower epidermal cells (acts equally an exoskeleton) and commonly hide during the mean solar day and come out at night to feed. Symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae live in the gastrodermal cells of most forms. These algae facilitate calcium carbonate deposition and go carbon dioxide and other nutrients from the coral polyps (and without them, the coral cannot survive).

Sea anemones

Lab-4 11


Lab-4 12

Sea fans

Lab-4 13

eleven. Phylum Ctenophora

Lab-4 14

This pocket-sized phylum contains well-nigh 90 species of marine organisms called comb jellies, all of which have biradial symmetry. Along the sides of their bodies are eight radially arranged rows of rummage plates (longitudinal rows of fused cilia) that are used for locomotion. Two long tentacles contain structures called colloblasts that secrete a gummy substance for capturing prey. Bioluminescence is common within the group, and although they may exist very small, some forms are remarkably beautiful!

12. Leucosolenia westward.m.

Lab-4 15

This is a slide of a simple marine sponge called Leucosolenia. This tubular sponge has an ascon body plan in which water kept in motion by the action of flagellated choanocytes enters the cardinal spongocoel through dermal pores and exits through a single osculum. The skeleton of Leucosolenia consists of calcium carbonate projections called spicules embedded in a tough protein called spongin.

thirteen. Grantia (Scypha) c.s.

Lab-4 16

  1. Incurrent canal
  2. Radial culvert
  3. Spongocoel

This slide shows a cross section through the body of calcareous marine sponge called Grantia (also called Scypha in some books). This sponge demonstrates the sycon trunk programme in which the wall of the body has been folded into a series of internal and external canals. Water enters the sponge through a series of incurrent canals and passes through internal pores called prosopyles into the radial canals, which are lined with flagellated collar cells known as choanocytes. Information technology is the action of these choanocytes that keeps water moving through the sponge. From the radial canals, h2o then enters the primal spongocoel through pores called apopyles to exit through a single opening called an osculum.

i - Incurrent canal

Lab-4 17

  1. Spongocoel
  2. Radial canal
  3. Incurrent canal

ii - Radial canal

Lab-4 18

  1. Spongocoel
  2. Radial culvert
  3. Choanocytes
  4. Apopyle

14. Sponge gemmule

Lab-4 19

This slide shows an internally-produced, asexual bud that is called a gemmule. All freshwater sponges (Grade Demospongiae) produce such highly resistant buds, which allow them to survive unfavorable periods such as winter or droughts. The calcareous spicules projecting from the covering of the gemmule provide additional protection.

15. Hydra c.due south.

Lab-4 20

  1. Epidermis
  2. Gastrodermis
  3. Mesoglea
  4. Gastrovascular cavity

This slide shows a cross section through the trunk of Hydra, a small-scale freshwater cnidarian. The simple organization of this hydrozoan polyp is reflected in the fact that the body is composed of only two layers, an outer epidermis and an inner gastrodermis which lines the fundamental gastrovascular cavity. These 2 layers are separated by a thin gelatinous layer called the mesoglea.

17. Obelia w.m.

Lab-4 23

  1. Hydranths
  2. Gonangia

This is a slide of many stained specimens of Obelia, a colonial marine cnidarian that shows a distinct polymorphism in the organisation of its members. Feeding polyps chosen hydranths bear tentacles armed with nematocysts, a mouth and a sparse outer covering or hydrotheca. Gonangia or reproductive polyps consist of a stalk containing medusa buds surrounded by a thin membrane chosen the gonotheca. When mature, these medusa buds are released from the gonangium through a primal opening called the gonopore. All individuals are fastened to a main stem known as the hydrocaulus, which consists of a cylindrical tube of living tissue called the coenosarc covered by a thin outer membrane or perisarc.

1 - Hydranths

Lab-4 25

  1. Coenosarc
  2. Hydrotheca
  3. Tentacles

2 - Gonangia

Lab-4 24

  1. Medusa bud
  2. Perisarc
  3. Gonotheca
  4. Coenosarc

eighteen. Obelia medusa w.m.

Lab-4 26

This slide shows a medusa from the colonial cnidarian Obelia. Although most of the life of this colonial hydrozoan is spent in the sessile polyp class, medusa buds produced within reproductive polyps called gonangia escape into the water column. These free-swimming medusae produce either eggs or sperm, which unite to grade ciliated planula larvae that swim for a while and then settle to transform into a new polyp, thus completing the cycle.

19. Metridium west.m.

Lab-4 27

This slide shows a cross section through the pharyngeal region of the sea anemone Metridium, an anthozoan cnidarian. Although the life cycles of anthozoans simply include the polyp body form, these polyps differ in several respects from those of hydrozoans. For example, in anthozoans the oral fissure opens into a tubular throat rather than directly into the gastrovascular crenel, which unlike that of hydrozoans, is divided by many sheets of tissues called septa, or mesenteries. Some of these mesenteries (chosen main septa) extend from the body wall all the way to the throat while others (secondary and tertiary septa) extend only part way into the gastrovascular cavity. Bundles of retractor muscles are found inside the chief septa. When contracted, these muscles shorten the body of water anemone. In Metridium a ciliated groove called the siphonoglyph extends downward once side of the pharynx from the oral fissure. The cilia in this groove acquit water currents into the sea anemone.

Close-Up of the Throat

Lab-4 28

  1. Siphonoglyph
  2. Retractor muscle
  3. Main septum
  4. Throat
  5. Gastrovascular cavity

This slide shows a magnified view of a cantankerous section through the pharynx of the bounding main anemone Metridium. Annotation the ciliated groove called a siphonoglyph on the right paw side of the throat. The cilia in this groove conduct water currents into the sea anemone while those lining the balance of the pharynx conduct water currents out of the organism.

Close-Upward of the Septa

Lab-4 29

  1. Principal septum
  2. Secondary septum
  3. 3rd septum
  4. Retractor muscle
  5. Septal filament
  6. Gastrovascular cavity

This slide shows a magnified view of a cross department through the body wall of the ocean anemone Metridium. Note the three types of septa (mesenteries) that dissever the gastrovascular cavity. Primary septa get all the way from the pharynx to the trunk wall, secondary septa (which frequently bear septal filaments) get nearly half way across, and tertiary septa are but curt projections of the gastrodermis.

Close-Up of the Body Wall

Lab-4 30

  1. Epidermis
  2. Mesoglea
  3. Gastrodermis
  4. Septal filament
  5. Principal septum
  6. Secondary septum

This slide shows a magnified view of a cross section through the body wall of the body of water anemone Metridium. In these diploblastic organisms, the torso wall consists of an outer epidermis and an inner gastrodermis separated by a jelly-like layer of connective tissue chosen the mesoglea.

20. Hydra nematocyst

Lab-4 31

This slide shows two discharged nematocysts from Hydra, a small freshwater cnidarian. These organelles incorporate a coiled thread-like filament that tin can be rapidly everted like a harpoon when triggered past contact with an object or a chemical stimulus. In many cnidarians, these nematocysts contain powerful venoms that can exist used for defense force or to capture casualty.

21. Aurelia planula

Lab-4 32

This slide shows the ciliated planula larva that results from the union of egg and sperm from the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia. This nonfeeding larval stage quickly settles on a substrate and begins a transformation into the adjacent stage called a scyphistoma.

22. Aurelia scyphistoma

Lab-4 33

This slide shows the polyp stage of development of the jellyfish Aurelia called a scyphistoma. This minor, sessile individual has a mouth surrounded with tentacles that are used to procure nutrient. After a menstruum of time, the scyphistoma is transformed into a stage of development called a strobila, which consists of a serial of discs that are stacked on top of one some other similar plates.

23. Aurelia early strobila

Lab-4 34

This slide shows the early on strobila stage of the jellyfish Aurelia. This sessile larva contains numerous discs stacked on pinnacle of one some other. Somewhen, each of these discs will pause free from the stack as gratis-pond ephyrae.

24. Aurelia tardily strobila

Lab-4 35

This slide shows the late strobila stage of the jellyfish Aurelia. This sessile larva contains numerous discs stacked on top of i another. Eventually, each of these discs volition break costless from the stack as free-pond ephyrae.

25. Aurelia ephyra

Lab-4 36

This slide shows an ephyra, which is the last stage of the complex life cycle of the jellyfish Aurelia. Such free-swimming individuals will gradually grow and change into adult jellyfish.

26. Gonionemus (bioplastic mountain)

Lab-4 37

  1. 1. Manubrium
  2. Gonads
  3. Tentacles
  4. Radial canal
  5. Circular (ring) canal
  6. Statocyst

This slide shows a stained specimen of the pocket-size marine hydrozoan jellyfish Gonionemus that has been embedded in a Lucite cake. The adult medusa normally swims with its convex surface directed upward and its concave surface downwardly. Extending downward from the center of bong is the manubrium with a mouth at its tip. The conspicuous gonads tin can exist seen attached to the iv radial canals that extend from the manubrium to the round canal at the margin of the bell. Hollow tentacles that connect with the circular canal are equipped with numerous batteries of stinging nematocysts as well every bit adhesive pads that aid in belongings on to captured prey. Between the bases of the tentacles are structures called statocysts that serve as balancing organs. Effectually the inner margin of the bell is a thin, round flap of tissue called the velum, which is believed to aid in swimming. Scyphozoan jellyfish lack a velum and are unremarkably larger than hydrozoan forms.

27. Aurelia (bioplastic mountain)

Lab-4 38

  1. Oral arm
  2. Ring canal
  3. Radial canals
  4. Gastric pouch
  5. Gonad
  6. Rhopalium

This slide shows a small-scale stained specimen of the moon jellyfish Aurelia that has been embedded in a Lucite cake. These common and widely distributed marine jellyfish can attain a size of 30 centimeters. Note the four oral arms that extend from a central mouth. Along these arms are many brusk oral tentacles that assistance to capture small food items. Afterward passing through the mouth, food enters a gastrovascular crenel that is divided internally into 4 gastric pouches. Within the gastric pouches are the horseshoe-shaped gonads too as a ring of gastric filaments containing nematocysts that kill or immobilize whatever food items even so active. Numerous branching radial canals connect to an outer circular canal that runs around the margin of the bell. Pocket-size indentations around the margin of this bong contain sense organs chosen rhopalia.

28. Comb jelly (bioplastic mount)

Lab-4 39

This slide shows a stained specimen of the comb jelly Pleurobrachia that has been embedded in a Lucite block. Although comb jellies resemble cnidarians in some respects, these animals are placed in a separate phylum called the Ctenophora. The group gets its name from the eight rows of fused cilia called rummage plates that encircle the body. While some ctenophores take tentacles, they do not contain the stinging cells constitute in those of cnidarians.

29. Sponge model

Lab-4 40

  1. Ostium (opening into an incurrent canal)
  2. Radial culvert
  3. Apopyle
  4. Spongocoel
  5. Osculum
  6. Bud

This paradigm shows model of a typical sycon sponge. In syconoid sponges, water enters incurrent canals (shown in blue on the model) through dermal pores chosen ostia. From in that location, the water passes through internal pores chosen prosopyles (not visible on the model) into radial canals (shown in yellowish on the model). These radial canals are lined with flagellated choanocytes. Information technology is the action of these choanocytes that keeps h2o moving through the sponge. From the radial canals, water passes through internal pores chosen an apopyles into the central spongocoel to leave through a big opening chosen the osculum.

All sponges are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. One form of asexual reproduction is the formation of external buds (six) that tin detach or remain to form colonies. Freshwater sponges produces internal buds called gemmules at the onset of unfavorable conditions (such as the drying out or freezing of the aquatic habitats in which they live). Although the parental sponge may dice and disintegrate, these structures are highly resistant to agin conditions and will develop into new sponges when atmospheric condition improve. Also, since sponges have tremendous powers of regeneration, broken parts often develop into fully functional new individuals. Sponges are too capable of sexual reproduction. Although most forms are monoecious, that is, they have both male and female organs in the same organism (which is well suited to a sessile existence), some forms are dioecious, or in other words, accept separate sexes.

During sexual reproduction, eggs are fertilized by motile sperm that enter through the internal canals, after which the zygotes develop into flagellated larvae that break loose and are carried away by h2o currents.

thirty. Hydra model

Lab-4 41

  1. Epidermis
  2. Gastrodermis
  3. Mesoglea
  4. Basal disc (human foot)
  5. Tentacles
  6. Discharged nematocysts
  7. Gastrovascular cavity
  8. Bud
  9. Ovary with egg
  10.  Testis

This prototype shows a model of Hydra, a pocket-sized freshwater cnidarian. The uncomplicated arrangement of this hydrozoan polyp is reflected in the fact that the body is composed of but two layers, an outer epidermis (shown in green on the model) and an inner gastrodermis (with multicolored cells shown on the model) that lines the key gastrovascular crenel. These two layers are separated by a thin gelatinous layer called the mesoglea, which is shown in yellow on the model.

Hydras attach to vegetation by a basal disc ("foot") that secretes a sticky substance. They then capture casualty with tentacles lined with cnidocytes. Inside these specialized cells are organelles called nematocysts that contain coiled thread-like filaments that can be apace everted like a harpoon when triggered by contact with a prey object, injecting venom that kills or immobilizes the prey. Once the prey is subdued, it is swallowed whole through the mouth (not shown on the model) and so digested in the gastrovascular cavity.

Although capable of sexual reproduction, hydras reproduce most of the year by producing external asexual buds that eventually compression off at the base and become new individuals. Also shown on the model is an ovary containing an egg and a testis that produces motile sperm.

31. Sea anemone model

Lab-4 42

  1. Tentacle
  2. Pharynx
  3. Siphonoglyph
  4. Gastrovascular crenel
  5. Principal septum
  6. Secondary septum
  7. Third septum
  8. Acontia
  9. Pedal disc

This is a model of the sea anemone Metridium. Annotation the tentacles that surround a oral cavity that leads directly to a muscular pharynx. A ciliated groove chosen the siphonoglyph that is institute on one side of the pharynx contains cilia that conduct water currents into the sea anemone. Body of water anemones are normally sessile, attaching themselves to hard substrates by sticky secretions from a pedal disc. In all anthozoans, the gastrovascular cavity is partitioned by septa, or mesenteries. Primary septa are those that actually attain the throat. Betwixt the principal septa are secondary septa that do non achieve the pharynx also equally very short projections of the wall of the gastrovascular cavity called tertiary septa. In some bounding main anemones (including Metridium) the lower ends of the septal edges below the pharynx continue equally threads called acontia that bear nematocysts, which tin can be used to finish off whatever surviving prey.


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