
How Big Of An Animal Can A Taipan Eat

(Oxyuranus scutellatus)

The Top Ten of the nearly venomous species of snakes in the globe live in Australia.

Does this make the Australian bush a dangerous place to visit? Non necessarily! The chances of stumbling across any 1 of these potentially deadly reptiles in the wild are extremely small. The probability of actually getting bitten is even smaller.

Visitors to Billabong Sanctuary can have a close look at some of these fascinating reptiles, including the Coastal Taipan, safely housed in large enclosures. Rather than fearing these awesome snakes, we should endeavor to understand their amazing adaptations for life in the Australian bush.

WHAT'Due south IN A Name?

'Taipan' is the proper name given to these snakes by Aboriginal people of Cape York Peninsula. The Coastal Taipan is as well called the Eastern Taipan.

Taipans belong to the Elapidae family of snakes. Members of this family are all venomous, with relatively short fixed fangs at the front of the jaw.

The genus name is from Greek oxys (sharp, needle-like) and ouranos (an arch, specifically the arch of the heavens), and refers to the needle-similar anterior procedure on the arch of the palate. This skeletal feature differentiates the taipan from all other elapids.

The species name scutellatus means 'shaped like a pocket-size apartment dish',  a  reference  to the smooth, flat scales. ThusOxyuranus scutellatus means  'flat-scaled snake with a needle-like palatine process'.

Our thank you to David Meagher, School of Biosciences, University of Melbourne, for clarifying the meaning of this scientific name.

 Meagher, David (2012).  An etymology of the scientific names of Victorian snakes. The Victorian Naturalist 129(1): 54-lx.


In full general, you tin can't positively place most Australian snakes just by their colour. Positive identification is made past counting rows of scales across the back in mid-trunk, and by comparison of the design of scales on the head—not usually applied in the bush!

Knowledge of both the advent and the behaviour of all snakes in a detail area not merely helps deepen our understanding and appreciation of their remarkable adaptations, but may forbid unwelcome confrontations.

Taipans are long, slender snakes with a whip-like tail.

The Coastal Taipan is usually a uniform light to dark brown above, but it may exist almost black in colour. The belly is creamy or yellow, with irregular yellowish or orange spots.

During wintertime months the scales tend to darken in colour, perhaps to help the Taipan absorb estrus from the sun while basking.

The head is long and deep, and singled-out from the neck. It is often described as 'coffin-shaped'. A distinctive feature is the ring of cream colour that wraps around the olfactory organ and along the jaw line. There is a distinct ridge above the centre, which has an orange iris.

By dissimilarity, the Eastern Chocolate-brown snake has a short rounded head which is not distinct from the neck, and lacks the cream coloured snout.

The body is robust, with an boilerplate length of 2.5 m ( eight.1 ft). A maximum length of 3.35 m ( 10.nine ft) has been recorded! This makes the Coastal Taipan Australia's longest venomous ophidian.

Taipans are terrestrial and commonly chase by day, except during very hot weather. Many not-venomous species such as pythons and tree snakes are nocturnal, and often climb copse or up into rafters or the roof of buildings.

They are not normally aggressive, just adopt to retreat to shelter unless cornered or provoked. If they do feel threatened, they ringlet into an southward-shape, lift up the forepart of the trunk and vibrate the end of the tail.


The Littoral Taipan is constitute all forth the eastern coast of Queensland, down into the extreme northeastern corner of New South Wales. Information technology is also found in the northern part of the Northern Territory, and the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Its range is discontinuous, in that it does non occur forth the southern coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria, in betwixt these two littoral areas of distribution.

The Coastal Taipan occupies a wide range of habitats, from tropical wet sclerophyll wood to dry sclerophyll forest and open savannah woodland.

It shelters in abandoned animal burrows, nether roots and fallen timber, in hollow logs, and in deep leaf litter. It is also attracted to rubbish dumps, discarded building materials, and sugarcane windrows, every bit these places also shelter rats and mice.


All Littoral Taipans, fifty-fifty hatchlings, feed almost exclusively on mammals and birds. Lizards are eaten merely occasionally. Bandicoots are a favourite food of adults. They also consume small native rodents such as Melomys and marsupials such as Quolls. Littoral Taipans have likewise developed a gustation for introduced domestic rats and mice, then are attracted to farm buildings and carbohydrate cane plantations.


Taipans find their prey by sensing motion and odour. They seem to accept better eyesight than many other snakes. They flick their forked tongue rapidly in and out of the rima oris, 'tasting' the presence on the air of potential prey animals. This chemical information is passed to the Jacobson's organ in the roof of the mouth, and and then to the brain.

Having located its casualty, the Taipan strikes incredibly fast, biting its victim, and so immediately retreating to wait till it dies. This is chosen the 'strike and release' hunting method, and is exclusive to Taipans.

The farthermost toxicity of the venom means that the prey animal will dice very quickly; then the ophidian has to follow its scent for merely a short distance to discover its repast.

There are advantages to this method of hunting food. An fauna such as a bandicoot has sharp claws and teeth, and will fight back viciously when attacked; just because information technology is and so rapidly immobilized by the venom, the Taipan does non have to risk being injured or bitten itself by its victim, nor does it have to expend energy struggling to hold onto the victim till it dies.

Now the snake is faced with its meal—possibly a bandicoot or big rat—that is many times larger in diameter than its own torso. Snakes can't rip their food apart, so they need to swallow their victim whole. This is a formidable undertaking! Imagine you or me having to swallow an entire melon without chewing it into bite-size pieces!

Snakes have astonishing adaptations that let them to swallow their casualty whole:

Beginning, they nudge the victim until it is correctly aligned then that they can swallow it head starting time. This way, they are not going confronting the grain of fur, feathers, or spikes on their prey.

The two halves of a snake's lower jaw are not fused in the middle, just are held together by flexible muscles and ligaments. This allows them to stretch incredibly far apart every bit the beast is swallowing.

The upper and lower jaw practise not 'unhinge' every bit is commonly believed. Instead, the nutrient passes below this joint along the lesser of the neck, which tin can stretch enormously around the casualty animal.

In social club to motion the food forth, the ophidian grips it with the fangs on alternating sides of the jaw, moving one side of the jaw and then the other along the prey, passing information technology downwardly its pharynx. During this procedure it produces huge amounts of saliva to lubricate the casualty as it moves along.

The ribs of a snake are not anchored to a breastbone (as in other animals, including people) so the tips of the ribs can stretch apart as the nutrient moves on down the snake's body.

The skin of the serpent is also very stretchy, with relatively small scales. This enables the trunk to expand hugely equally the nutrient item is swallowed.

It can take several hours to consume a large animal. After eating large prey, the ophidian will usually spend much time basking in the sun to maintain a high plenty body temperature to assimilate the meal. The venom, which stopped the victim in its tracks, at present helps to assimilate it—powerful enzymes in the venom help break down the tissues of the dead animal.

The ability to consume very big food items means that a big snake demand not expend free energy on frequent hunting activities. Information technology may demand to eat only a few meals every yr.


Mating occurs anytime from March to December, merely peaks from July to October. This is springtime in Commonwealth of australia, when weather condition for incubating eggs are optimal; the rainy season is approaching then the eggs won't dry out, and nutrient for hatchlings will be more than arable.

If more than than ane male person Taipan encounters a female, they will appoint in a spectacular display called ritualistic combat. In this test of strength, they wrap effectually each other'due south bodies like a coiled rope, wrestling with each other till the stronger snake forces his rival'south caput to the ground. The struggle may last for hours, until the stronger male person finally wins the right to mate with the female.

If the female is receptive, he rubs his chin upwards and downwardly her body, then twists the lower function of his body under hers. Males have two sex activity organs, called hemipenes, simply only one at a time is used for mating. Mating may last for several hours, and a female may mate with more than i male during the breeding season.

From 52 to 85 days afterwards mating, the female lays up to 22 eggs, with an average clutch size of 14 eggs. Older females (which accept a larger body size) generally lay more eggs than younger ones. Taipan eggs are elongated in shape, with a leathery, permeable trounce. Females will non usually mate every year considering of the high free energy costs and risks associated with reproduction.

Eggs are laid in an abandoned animal couch, or in loose soil nether a stone or tree root. The nest site must exist damp because correct afterward they are laid the eggs must blot a large corporeality of water, which the embryo needs for evolution. Shortly after laying, the female will abandon the nest and have nothing farther to practise with her offspring.

The eggs hatch ii to 3 months afterward, depending on the air temperature and humidity. Higher temperatures increase the rate of metabolism, allowing eggs to hatch sooner.

Hatchlings are about 600 mm in length (23.6 in) and grow very fast under favourable conditions. Male Coastal Taipans achieve sexual maturity at near 16 months of age, and females at about 28 months of historic period.

Little is known about their life expectancy in the wild; snakes in captivity reach 10 -15 years of age.


The venom of the Littoral Taipan is rated as the tertiary near toxic of all snake venoms in the world (behind those of the Inland Taipan and the Eastern Chocolate-brown, which are besides Australian snakes!).

The accustomed standard for comparing the toxicity of ophidian venoms was devised in the 1970's by the Commonwealth Serum Laboratory (CSL) in Melbourne. Tests were done past injecting live mice, and measuring the amount of venom required to impale l% of test animals, yielding a number chosen LD50 (or Lethal Dose fifty): the smaller the number, the more than toxic the venom. The LD50 of the Coastal Taipan is 0.099 mg/kg. Expressed in other units, a single bite could kill nearly 100,000 mice.

The actual number for any particular ophidian doesn't really mean all that much (except to all those mice!): expressionless is dead. The relative danger of venomous snakes depends on many factors, such equally the corporeality of venom injected, the length of the fangs, the sensitivity of the victim to the toxin, and the likelihood of getting bitten in the kickoff place.

The venom of a Coastal Taipan contains a cocktail of poisons. The well-nigh powerful ingredient is a neurotoxin which paralyses the nerves of the heart, lungs and diaphragm, suffocating the victim. It besides contains a powerful myotoxin, which destroys muscle tissue, and a procoagulant which causes abnormal clotting leading to internal bleeding.

Coastal Taipans have the longest fangs of all Australian snakes- upward to 13 mm, or half an inch long! They are likewise the longest venomous snake in Australia. They strike extremely rapidly, and can inflict multiple bites and inject large amounts of venom – upwards to threescore mg.

Because they hunt rats and mice, Coastal Taipans sometimes occur shut to populated areas, seeking out their prey in barns and sugarcane fields. This brings them into contact with humans more oft than Inland Taipans, which have a more toxic venom just live in remote inland regions .

Taipans have a reputation for aggressiveness, but will really avoid close contact with humans if possible. A snake isn't going to waste material free energy or venom attacking something that isn't good to swallow, or that isn't nigh to attack. Nosotros're not on the menu for Taipans, so they volition only try to bite us if they feel threatened. If provoked, however, they will gather the body into loose coils and strike extremely fast, oft inflicting multiple bites.

By far the most bites occur when people try to kill or to catch snakes.

Since the evolution of Taipan antivenene in 1955, recorded deaths from Taipan bites have been very rare.

On boilerplate, Australia records fewer than 5 fatalities a twelvemonth from snake bite.
Many more of these occur from the bite of the Eastern Brown than from Coastal Taipan bites.

By contrast, venomous snakes such as cobras and vipers crusade tens of thousands of deaths per twelvemonth in the very densely populated continents of Africa and Asia.

The Taipan is a very large, very venomous snake, just the chances of a person being bitten and killed are extremely depression. More than people are killed in Australia every year by horses or bee stings than from ophidian bite. If we get out snakes lonely, they volition leave united states of america alone.

Beginning Assistance

Anyone out and most in the Australian bush should conduct a couple of broad rubberband pressure bandages.

First aid for any snake bite follows the same basic procedure. The priorities are to end the spread of venom and to seek medical assistance:

Call for medical help immediately.

Reassure the victim and keep him calm. Venom is spread through the lymphatic system and so muscle wrinkle (movement) of all parts of the torso should be kept to a minimum.

Don't cut or wash the site of the bite. Wrap the site with a pressure bandage or any other strips of material, then wrap the bitten limb starting at the extremities and working back to the seize with teeth. This prevents the spread of venom through the lymphatic system.

Immobilize the limb with a splint. The victim should and so exist taken as rapidly every bit possible to the nearest hospital, preferably past ambulance.

All Australian hospitals and medical clinics carry antivenes specific to each species of ophidian, as well as kits that enable the staff to identify the type of snake past taking a swab of the bite site. It is non necessary to kill or capture the serpent in gild to identify it. Y'all are just putting yourself at added risk of beingness bitten.


Coastal Taipans are common in many parts of their range, and are not considered to be endangered. In many areas they take probably increased in abundance since man settlement because of the proliferation of introduced animals like rats and mice.

All snakes in Australia are protected by law. In Queensland the Nature Conservation Act (1992) prohibits killing or capturing wild snakes (unless they are threatening life). Any snakes in captivity take been bred and sold by licensed breeders.

Taipans are extremely efficient hunters, beautifully adjusted to their niche in the Australian bush. They deserve our healthy respect.


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